Business Communication Skills

    Communication Skills-Managers & Teams

    Gain the critical skill sets to enable professional communication and improve influence within your organization.

    Ultimahub’s communication skills training programs in Taiwan are designed for professionals working in complex and international environments and cover all aspects of communications training fundamentals.

    Our workshops and training modules help attendees to communicate in more concise, persuasive, and impactful ways, as well as how to manage conflict situations involving people they may find challenging to interact with. Learning how to communicate in a variety of settings is a core skill that can improve personal and business interactions. Our course mixes and offerings are rewarding, informative, and fun!


    An individual’s communication style can make or break their professional image and is indicative of their background and professional level.

    It influences how your colleagues and clients perceive your work and professionalism and can affect your career prospects with regard to advancement and mobility. Being credible, diplomatic and tactful is a skill that can always be improved – even if an individual has mastery of the aforementioned, they can be easily derailed by their emotions if they find themselves in a conflict or high-stress situation.

    Ultimahub’s practical training program focuses on how you can communicate using a diplomatic, credible and tactful approach in a variety of situations and scenarios.
    We will teach you when it is most efficient and effective to be direct (or not direct) in order to get things done and how to onboard your teams and colleagues.

    • How to diplomatically, tactfully, and credibly become an effective communicator
    • Managing your communications style to increase impact and boost your image
    • Explore, understand, and leverage your/others’ communication styles and develop better listening skills
    • Learn about the importance of perceptions
    • Recognize the impact that emotions and stressful situations have on communication and learn how to overcome these
    • Learn to label and identify effective and powerful communication styles and how to successfully utilize them toward defined objectives


    Conflict management is an essential skill that is required to improve business relationships and team interactions.

    Conflict is inescapable in both personal and professional settings and is increasingly more prevalent in modern business settings.

    The majority of people today lack basic conflict management skills and typically react on a purely emotional level rather than using a rational approach to managing disputes and disagreements.

    This two-day workshop and training program is designed for business people of all levels throughout the organization who are looking to understand their own emotions and behaviors and find productive ways to manage conflict.

    1. Identify causes of interpersonal conflict
    2. Evaluate conflicts with situations and select appropriate strategies and tools to manage and or resolve conflicts
    3. Cultivate a greater awareness of individual emotional triggers and how to manage them best
    4. Development of an action plan with regard to implementing skillsets and tools

    Conflict is common in business situations. Typically these tensions become diffused or get worse. Individuals and teams can learn skill sets and tools to manage disputes and disagreements in a positive way after our training, possibly even avoid them together.


    Day-to-day communication is an essential task of a manager as they need to communicate between their team, peers and direct reports. The types of communication vary from formal – i.e., dealing with clients and or board members – down to smaller and less formal situations like discussing projects with colleagues.

    Depending on the situation, communication styles can be learned for either planned or last-minute scenarios. Attendees are trained to be effective, credible, and delivered in passionate in how they communicate in these situations. Learning how to modify and adapt your communication style to different audiences and situations is essential in order to get results and maintain a professional image. Ineffective and weak communicators often struggle with not getting their message across and appear as sub-standard managers and leaders.

    Our two-day program is designed for individual contributors, managers, and supervisors – with up to five years of management experience – who are looking to improve their communication style, effectiveness in delivering clear and concise messages, and how to be confidence when speaking to different audiences throughout their organization.

    1. Delivering effective and tactical messages to a variety of audiences
    2. Balancing emotion versus logic in your communication style
    3. Building mutual understanding and rapport
    4. Becoming a passionate, confident, and effective communicator

    Although this course is designed for individual contributors, managers and supervisors with five years of management experience, we do have a variety of customizable modules to meet your unique requirements.

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